

Recognised technical expertise


Our Cabinet is registered as:

  • a firm of statutory auditors with the Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes de Marseille, at the Court of Appeal of Aix en Provence

  • a member of the CCEF (Compagnie des Conseils et Experts Financiers)

  • a member of the IEMA (Institut Euro Méditerranéen d'Arbitrage) at the CCI Nice

  • a designer and instructor of professional training courses on audit and accounting standards at the CSOEC, the CNCC and the CFPC

  • a firm of chartered accountants with the Ordre des Experts-Comptables of the PACAC Region


A quality objective


We place considerable importance in knowledge of our clients' business sector and understanding their business model which will allow us to assess their specific risks and the impacts on the financial statements.

All our missions are carried out directly under the responsibility of a qualified statutory auditor, who is the client's constant number one point of contact.


Voluntarily wishing to work with a flexible structure that is also highly technical, we adapt our resources to the missions carried out as need be. 


They trust us

Our clients are mainly IT start-ups, family SME and subsidiaries of Anglo-Saxon and French companies, based in Sophia-Antipolis and the PACA region, but we also work throughout France. 



Stéphan BRUN
E-mail :
Tél : +33 4 93 00 12 44

Tél Port: 06 11 76 45 55
Languages : Français, Anglais

Stéphan BRUN is a graduate of IAE and has a postgraduate degree in financial engineering and management. He is a Chartered Accountant and a Statutory Auditor. He started his professional career at Digital-HP, Ernst&Young, Amadeus and Coopers&Lybrand and founded the cabinet in 2004.


He is a member of the CCEF, author of several works on IAS/IFRS accounting standards through Editions Gualino and mainly works as a Statutory Auditor, contractual auditor and appraiser.

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® / Tous droits réservés
Commissaire aux comptes - Audit firm
400, Av Roumanille - BP 309 - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS (06906)
Tél : +33 (0)4 93 00 12 44 / Fax : + 33 (0)4 93 00 12 45 / Mail :