Independent financial expertise


Appraiser : Specialist auditor in contributions, mergers or demergers

Further to an appointment by the Court of Commerce or by a unanimous decision of the shareholders, our cabinet performs collects information for and protects the current and future shareholders of companies participating in the operation. We assess the value of the contributions and the evaluation methods and secure the balance of the financial transaction between the parties.


Appraiser : Auditor of special benefits

When creating preferred shares combined with special benefits in cash or in kind, our cabinet works as an auditor of special benefits. It is our responsibility to draw up a report on their evaluation in order to assess the benefits granted and their impact on the situation of ordinary shareholders.


Arbitration : Support in disputes

Our cabinet is involved in amicable settlements, arbitration and in evaluating the damage suffered in disputes related to the sale of companies (liability guarantees, price determination, finalising the transfer accounts) or legal proceedings related to the interpretation of the financial clauses of contracts. The firm is recruited as a designated independent expert or as a consultant to contractually assist a law firm.



IFRS standards consulting

Our experience both within SME and French and international groups enables us to understand efficiently the impacts of international standards (US GAAP, IAS/IFRS) to support companies, non-specialist colleagues or law firms.


  • Training: presentation of standards, specific intervention on a theme, following up on the latest IFRS developments

  • Technical consultation: analysis or interpretation of accounting methods or practices, impact study, simulation and production of IFRS accounts

  • Technical expertise given to lawyers within the framework of a company acquisition
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Commissaire aux comptes - Audit firm
400, Av Roumanille - BP 309 - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS (06906)
Tél : +33 (0)4 93 00 12 44 / Fax : + 33 (0)4 93 00 12 45 / Mail :