Legal Audit



Stéphan BRUN AUDIT works as a Statutory Auditor on:


  • mandatory appointment, in the cases provided at law: SARL, SAS, SEL or association exceeding the thresholds, public institutions, etc. and SA in particular

  • voluntary appointment, on the request of the shareholders or financial partners or when the company wishes to have an external audit 

  • as a Co-Auditor, together with the Auditor in place, whether this is the historic firm of the company (to provide a new approach) or a Big Four  / member of a network (providing our local proximity)


Statutory Auditor

We use strict methodology, in accordance with the professional working standards of the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC), enabling us to achieve the two-fold objective of the certification of financial statements and external diagnosis, through:

  • The audit and formulation by us of an opinion on the annual accounts presented to shareholders, ensuring compliance with the legal framework and paying special attention to internal procedures

  • The specific checks provided at law (checking of the information sent to shareholders and partners related to the management report, to regulated commitments and agreements, etc.) 


To find out more :


This expertise is implemented within the framework of mandates in various business sectors, with complementary speciality in auditing new technology companies and subsidiaries of foreign companies.


Capital Operations

We are regularly asked to intervene to secure capital operations and investment capital operations in SME/SMI, such as:


  • Capital increase reserved (with removal of the preferential subscription right or release of shares by offsetting debt claims)

  • Issuing securities: preferred shares, BSA (warrants), BSPCE (start-up warrants), convertible bonds, plan for allocating free shares or stock options, etc.

  • Reduction in share capital in case of rebuilding of equity

  • Transformation of the company (change of legal status)

  • Public offering or stock market floatation
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Commissaire aux comptes - Audit firm
400, Av Roumanille - BP 309 - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS (06906)
Tél : +33 (0)4 93 00 12 44 / Fax : + 33 (0)4 93 00 12 45 / Mail :